When you purchase a vehicle for cash, or make your final payment, you get an original copy of your vehicle title. Keeping this document in a safe place is important. You will need it to sell, trade-in, or get a car title loan with the vehicle.
What happens if the title was never sent to you, damaged, or simply lost? You can request a replacement title. The process for doing so depends on the state you live in. In California, you can complete the process either in-person or by mail.

To get a replacement car title in California, follow these simple steps:
Complete the required Form – REG 277
The first step to getting a replacement car title in California is to obtain and complete the “Application for Duplicate or Paperless Title” form (Form REG 227). You can get a paper copy from your local DMV or download the form from the DMV website.

Provide Required Information
To complete the application for a replacement title in California you will need to provide several pieces of critical information. This includes:
- Identification – a valid drivers license
- Vehicle Info – details on the vehicle including VIN number
- Payment info – there is a fee of $22 for replacement titles in California
Submit Replacement Car Title Application for Processing in California
You can submit your application in person or through the mail. Regardless of the method chosen, the application will need to be processed, title printed, and ultimately mailed to your home address.
Should you choose to mail your application to save a trip to the DMV, make sure to include all required information specified on Form REG 277 to avoid delays.
Receive your Replacement Title
Once processed by the DMV your new title will be mailed to your address. This usually rakes a couple of weeks.