A frequently asked question (FAQ) when contemplating a title loan is “do I get to keep driving my car during the loan?”

This is a fair question; if you pawn your car you need to leave it with the pawn shop. Just like any other piece of property you pawn you would not be able to retain possession of the vehicle until the loan was repaid.
Title Loans are Different
Car title loans are different. In fact with a title loan one of the big advantages is the fact that you do get to keep driving your car. You maintain possession and use of the vehicle just like you would with any other car loan.
This means:
- No disruption to transportation.
- Continued use of your vehicle.
- No restrictions on using your vehicle.
We usually compare this to when you finance a car when purchasing. You make payment to the lender until the vehicle is paid off. During that time you own, drive, maintain, and use the vehicle. The same is true for a title loan.
Payments are Necessary
Just like any other car loan you must make your payments on time to keep the loan in good standing. Defaulting on a title loan could mean repossession of the vehicle.
If you stop making payments on a car loan, whether is was a new car or used car, the lender will likely repossess the vehicle to recover the cost of the loan. The same is true with a car title loan. Stop making payments and the vehicle can be repossessed.
So as long as you make your payments and keep the loan in good standing you continue to own, use, and drive your car.